Need for a Kampala Church of Christ Ministry Van

Greetings to you all once again from Kampala. We trust that this finds you healthy and doing well on your journey of life. We thank God for keeping you all. God continues to be good and a guide onto our feet as we carry and spread his message to those we come across. However, as we venture into territories for Christ, we have over the last couple of Months been met with a number of opportunities in the challenges to let God be God as we spread out beyond our boundaries at KCC.
In regard to the above, the need for a Ministry vehicle has never been as welcome as of now, to us I think it has always been just a matter of time. We believe the season and timing is quite right as God opens more doors for us in the communities. At the beginning of this year, the KCC leadership was all in agreement for us to pray for a Ministry Van that will help us in the work and the affairs of the Kampala Ministry. In the last several Months, transport has proven to be such a challenge for our Evangelistic work and movement in, around and beyond Kampala.
By Faith a team was picked up to pray and also to go out in the field in search for a Van that would fit into the needs and expectations of the Kampala Ministry needs. Perhaps, it would be fair enough to spell out why there is such a need for the Ministry. We have several ministries that would be greatly helped and equipped in their work
Why a Ministry Van
1. KCC members visits- the van would greatly help with the visitations ministry. Most of our members come from fairly distant and dispersed places.
2. Funerals – at times of a death, the van would greatly be useful in transporting mourners and even the body of the deceased.
3. Christian Relief Fund (CRF) Program visits and work. Most of the children in the program are spread out in Kampala, having a vehicle would help out greatly in making regular visits.
4. World Bible School (WBS), Kampala has a very active and ambitious WBS campaign in schools and all around Kampala and beyond. A van would help to carry Evangelistic machines like theTV, Generator, Projector screen and all.
5. Community outreach. Over the last couple of Months, the church in Kampala has been moving out into the communities, the cost and convenience of carrying Evangelistic equipments has proved to be such a great challenge
6. National Helps. A number of our missionaries are located in the major towns of the country in Mbale, Fortportal, Mbarara, Jina and others. Most of the times they get visitors coming through Entebbe and Kampala. The van would help transport some of these visitors to their anticipated locations.
7. KCC visitors, we anticipate a number of visitors coming to visit in Kampala, the Van could cut out most of the expenses for the ministry and our visitors.
8. Lets Start Talking Ministry (LST), the Kampala church is in an arrangement to annually have LST teams come to Evangelise the communities in Kampala. A van would greatly help the teams to move around.
There are numerous benefits for a Ministry Van. We have been moving around and we all zeroed on acquiring a Toyota Hiace if God wills it. The above pictures show the external of the vehicle we would need. The Toyota Hiace is slow on fuel consumption. It has four wheel drive capability. Has no problem of spare parts in this part of the world. It has good seating capacity of 14 passengers. It has an option of loading up on top of it.
After all has been said and done, on asking about the price quote for this Van, is the issue that has driven us all to God for Him to do the impossible. The Van goes for 28,0000,000 shillings, at the current ruling exchange rate of 2,200/= to 1$, it is about $13,000. We humbly and kindly ask you all to take this prayerfully up to God, to encourage you speak about it as you spread our faith and yours, to give in any way you can with what you have towards this cause. May God bless and keep you always for His Sake.
In Christ Jesus
Isaac Sanyu
God bless and make it come thru for us, He is good all the time and for sure He provides, In Christ Jesus, Amen.
ReplyDeleteJ. Terzol