Bead Making taken to Wakiso community

(Above Pic. Perusi addresses the participants in wakiso)

(women gather around to learn together to make paper beads)
Happy N ew 2011 and greetings from Kampala Church of Christ. We thank God for having guided you through the last year. We are looking forward to a greater and blessed 2011 as God in His mercy keeps us all for His own sake and purposes. We are sorry for having taken long posting the Living Rays News letter. It has been a busy period of time in Kampala. Last year the Theme for the Church in Kampala was “Go Out” .God provided several opportunities for us to reach out into our communities in 2010. We witnessed great mighty works of God in Wakiso, Wabigalo, Kasangati and many other communities. In the midst of it all, we went through a number of challenges as well but God still held us in His own Palms. God protected us, provided for us, guided us and healed us. We thank God for having connected and used you all in being part of our family in both our challenges and triumphs in 2010. As we embark on 2011, the Theme for the Kampala Church is “Carry your Cross”. This Theme is timely and embraces the issue of Personal Commitment in all areas of our lives as a Body of Christ.
On 1/21/2011 the youth and women of Wakiso were blessed to have a teaching done by the Women of Hope Project (WHP) of Kampala Church of Christ (KCC). Perusi Zawedde, an elderly widow and a pioneer of the WHP was more than glad to go out into the community of Wakiso to share her gift with the women and youth on how to make paper beads. The community in Banda, Wakiso is one of those areas that were immensely affected by the liberation war in the 1980’s. As a result, several people lost their lives. There are high levels of poverty. Most of the families are peasants with so many orphans, an after effect of both the war and the HIV AIDS disease. Last year, the Kampala church through funds provided by the Christian Relief Fund planted a Goats Project in Wakiso to help out the community. Over forty women and youth attended the Beads making exercise. We believe that by empowering the community through the love of Christ, seeds will be planted for a harvest in the Kingdom of God. Sunday school, adult and youth Bible Study Fellowships are in operation in Wakiso as a result of the projects, we praise God for that.
We praise God for having added another follower into His Kingdom. It’s amazing what God does but a young moslem gentleman happened to enter the gates of KCC on 1/23/2011. Farouk, narrated to us about his story of being a moslem and how he had got tired of being confused with Islam after he had personally started reading the Bible. He confessed that the Koran had a number of contradictions. He farther spoke out that whenever he reads the Bible there is clarity and a peace of mind that comes with it. After we shared with him, he asked to be baptized there and then. We took him through the meaning of Baptism in the Bible. After a few hours Farouk was baptized into Christ. We rejoice for one that was once lost to be finally joined together with Christ.
One of our church plants in Kasangati that is led by Jonathan Mubangizi has for several years been struggling with the issue of shelter and space for church activities. At the beginning of this year God, opened a way for our brother Jonathan. Through the help of Fred Senkumba (Kampala World Bible School Coodinator), God made it possible for him to identify a school (Mount Zion Nursery and Primary School) that was started and managed by Ivan Luke Ovuga. The beauty in it all is that, Ivan is a former World Bible School student. We thank God because Ivan was more than glad to provide the much needed space for the Kasangati church to meet on his property at no fee at all. God indeed provides for His own.
At the beginning of this year, the leadership of KCC was able to have a meeting to revisit the Vision of the Church and also to carry out a performance check on all of the Ministries. One of the pressing current issues and need, is for the church to acquire a Ministry Van that will help the work of the Ministry a great deal. As we continue to grow and venture into our communities, there is an urgent need for a church vehicle. We talked about the kind of vehicle that would help the work in Kampala, I will be posting to you all the details and why the need for a vehicle is of importance for the work here. We humbly ask that you join with us in prayer for God to provide in this as well.
Prayer Requests
1. Thanksgiving for the past year and new 2011
2. Pray for a good report for Joseph Irwaat, he will be visiting the doctor in a few weeks for an examination
3. Pray for God to provide for the needed Funds for a Ministry Van
4. Pray for a smooth Uganda Presidential Elections to be held on 2/18/2011
5. Pray for the body in Kampala to embrace this Year’s Theme “Carry Your Cross”
In Christ Jesus
Isaac Sanyu
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