Need for a Kampala Church of Christ Ministry Van

Greetings to you all once again from Kampala. We trust that this finds you healthy and doing well on your journey of life. We thank God for keeping you all. God continues to be good and a guide onto our feet as we carry and spread his message to those we come across. However, as we venture into territories for Christ, we have over the last couple of Months been met with a number of opportunities in the challenges to let God be God as we spread out beyond our boundaries at KCC. In regard to the above, the need for a Ministry vehicle has never been as welcome as of now, to us I think it has always been just a matter of time. We believe the season and timing is quite right as God opens more doors for us in the communities. At the beginning of this year, the KCC leadership was all in agreement for us to pray for a Ministry Van that will help us in the work and the affairs of the Kampala Ministry. In the last several Months, transport has proven to be such a challenge for our Evangelis...