Living Rays News Letter- Kampala - October 2010

10/19/2010 Vol. 017
Above pic. Joseph and his mother at home |
On the 5th of this Month, Joseph was taken for a medical checkup. The Doctors made an examination on him but there was no conclusive Medical Report made on him. We were instead told to take him back to the hospital on the 19th of this Month and still nothing was conclusively brought to light. Joseph is slowly gaining back his energy though. The rest of his body is now healed. He still has acute pain in the neck regions. If all our Prayers have been able to sustain Joseph this far, we have no spot of doubt that God will completely heal him and that we shall have or already have a better and promising GOD REPORT. The number of times I have visited Joseph’s house I have been amazed at how many people visit him at any particular day. Perhaps what has amazed me most is how his children and family in particular have been impacted by what happened to Joseph. Some time back, all his children prayed and I was really touched by listening to Epharim (the youngest of his children- 7 years) praying such a powerful prayer. Please continue to pray for Joseph.
The Women of Hope Project (WHP) at the Kampala church has over the last couple of Months gone through a series of development. As you may know through our regular News Letter posts, the WHP is an initiative that grew out of a fellowship of the women in the church. The women found cause to work together in order to help and support each other. The Project has a strong backbone, a vision and focus to help equip, empower and inspire the women to solving their problems together. The project is composed of widows, single mothers, refugees, unemployed and struggling women in our fellowship of believers. The project continues to attract a number of other women as well. The project started off with the making of paper beads into bags, necklaces, bangles and several other paper crafts. A few of the women that have had the skill for making the paper beads have over a few Months passed on their skills by teaching the other women in the church on how to make the paper beads. This has helped a few of those interested to gain a skill that will go a long way in helping them. As a result there has been a drive for the women to venture into other skills like mat making, table cloth making, hats and bags made from banana fibres, tailoring and very soon am hoping that we shall have the women making and teaching all kinds of skills and not just paper beads. There has of recent been a drive for the women to create a local market for their items. We have already witnessed a few people interested in what the women are making in the local market.
From the 5th to the 10th October , 2010, the World Bible School (WBS), one of the Evangelistic tools of the Kampala Church once again participated at the Annual International Trade Fair in Kampala. WBS has been participating at the Fair for several years now. Thousands of people usually throng to this Fair every year. The Fair has been found to be an effective place and event to showcase services like WBS and the Kampala Church as far as publicity is concerned. Hundreds of people registered with WBS during the weeklong event. According to Fred Senkumba, the WBS Project coordinator in Kampala, this year’s Fair registered the biggest number of students. We praise God for that as we continue to use what we have to make Jesus known in our communities. We would like to extend our gratitude to all of you who are a part of WBS, prayer warriors, supporters, and markers of the lessons. Thanks for planting seeds in the Kingdom of God.
The Kampala Church of Christ (KCC) recently got some money from the Christian Relief Fund (CRF) Organization to help buy goats for families and individuals that are poor and needy in our local communities. Over the last couple of weeks, the leadership has been meeting and putting down a frame work on how we can use this opportunity as an outreach venture to engage new ground to spread and make the Name of Christ known. On the 22nd October 2010, the leadership of KCC went out to Banda, Wakiso District, 16 Kilometers from Kampala on a field study and familiarization tour of fifteen families that have so far been identified to benefit from the project. We were able to meet with these families that are living under very poor conditions. The idea is to later go back in this community on the 6th of November 2010 to formally introduce the project ,to train the families on how to rear goats, to speak out about our expectations and all. After this, the plan is to later distribute goats on the 12th of November 2010 in the community. We have a good number of goats to give out but we shall be doing it in phases as we in turn establish concrete relationships with the people in the communities. The vision for this project is to help improve the economic status of these families but also to plant seeds of Church growth in these communities. We have all the confidence that God is going to use this Project for His glory. Please continue to pray for the Kampala Church of Christ Goat Project (KCCGP). We are so thankful for the CRF that has continued to be a blessing to Kampala with a child sponsorship program that started way back in 1998. The program sponsors One hundred and one children in Kampala.
1. Thanksgiving for Joseph Irwaat’s road to complete recovery
2. Pray for the KCCGP and as we engage our communities with the love of Christ
3. Pray for God’s favor in helping the Kampala Church plant more churches in the communities
4. Pray for the Women of Hope projects in Kampala
5. Pray for Fred Senkumba’s preparatory/planning introduction ceremony meetings. Stay tuned for News about Fred’s upcoming wedding.
You all in Kampala are in our thoughts and prayers. God bless all you do.