Fred Senkumba Finds The ONE

Genesis 2:18 -24 And God created a helper for Adam. The Bible goes on to affirm that what God has put together no man should put asunder. Fred senkumba, searched and he has found the ONE.
Some time back, we were privileged to escort (Traditionally this visitation is called Okukyala) Fred to visit the home of Lilian. The next stage after the visitation is the Introduction Ceremony (Kwanjula)
The Kwanjula (Introduction Ceremony) meetings are currently taking place every Sunday at 4 pm at the Kampala Church of Christ. These meetings are designed to majorly fundraise for the occasion. The Kwanjula will take place on the 12th December 2010 at Lilian’s home. This ceremony is very key in this culture. Traditionally, the Kwanjula is the real wedding so much so that the law of Uganda recognizes it as a marriage. On this occasion, Lilian will be basically introducing Fred to her family and community. Fred will have over seventy people escorting him to Lilian’s home on this day. A number of gifts will be taken by Fred, the dowry will also be given to Lilian’s parents. A big feast and food will be later served by Lilian’s family. The day for the church wedding is usually announced on this day as well.
Lilian comes from a very God fearing family. She is a Christian and a Muganda. She has visited the Kampala church a few times . We are all getting to know her well.
In this culture, Lilian is becoming a family member in our community. As we all prepare for Fred and Lilian’s union in marriage, this brings all of us together as one. Their union is our union, their introduction and wedding is ours as well. This is one of the many things that bring us together as a family.
We are giving you all an opportunity to be part of this community in this respect as well in terms of prayer, support, giving and contributing towards this cause.
May God bless and Keep you always.
Kampala Church of Christ.
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