
Showing posts from October, 2010

Fred Senkumba Finds The ONE

FRED SENKUMBA FINDS LILIAN NABATANZI Genesis 2:18 -24 And God created a helper for Adam. The Bible goes on to affirm that what God has put together no man should put asunder. Fred senkumba, searched and he has found the ONE. Some time back, we were privileged to escort (Traditionally this visitation is called Okukyala) Fred to visit the home of Lilian. The next stage after the visitation is the Introduction Ceremony (Kwanjula) The Kwanjula (Introduction Ceremony) meetings are currently taking place every Sunday at 4 pm at the Kampala Church of Christ. These meetings are designed to majorly fundraise for the occasion. The Kwanjula will take place on the 12 th December 2010 at Lilian’s home. This ceremony is very key in this culture. Traditionally, the Kwanjula is the real wedding so much so that the law of Uganda recognizes it as a marriage. On this occasion, Lilian will be basically introducing Fred to her family ...


KAMPALA CHURCH OF CHRIST GOAT PROJECT NEWS On 22 nd October 2010 the Kampala Church of Christ leadership committee went on a familiarization and a field study tour of Wakiso District in Banda, 16 kilometers from the Capital City of Kampala. The tour was made to meet and assess some of the already identified families that are going to benefit from the Kampala Church of Christ Goat project that has been funded by the Christian Relief Fund in Amarillo Texas. We met with fifteen families. The exercise took the whole day. Our mission was successful in getting to know and meet with the first batch of families that are soon going to be given goats to rear. On 6 th November 2010 , we shall have a formal introduction of the Goat project to the identified family groups. We shall later train them about Goat rearing and explain the expectations of the project. This will also be a time for the beneficiarie...

Living Rays News Letter- Kampala - October 2010

10/19/2010 Vol. 017 Above pic. Joseph and his mother at home God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Despite all the struggles and challenges we have had and continue to have we still find all reason and joy to thank God for our lives. God continues to reveal Himself in these struggles. Our gratitude and thanks go to all of you who are unceasingly praying for Joseph Irwaat. On the 5 th of this Month, Joseph was taken for a medical checkup. The Doctors made an examination on him but there was no conclusive Medical Report made on him. We were instead told to take him back to the hospital on the 19 th of this Month and still nothing was conclusively brought to light. Joseph is slowly gaining back his energy though. The rest of his body is now healed. He still has acute pain in the neck regions. If all our Prayers have been able to sustain Joseph this far, we have no spot of doubt that...