9/10/2010 Vol.010

We send to you all greetings in the mighty of Name of our lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our hope and prayer is that this finds you all doing great. There are several things that have happened at the Kampala church and elsewhere in Uganda over the last couple of Months.

The Churches of Christ under the umbrella of New Testament Churches of Christ (NTCC), in Uganda have an Annual Meeting that brings all of them together in one place. The meetings rotate among the five major towns of Kampala (Central), Mbale (East), Fortportal (West), Mbarara (West) and Jinja town. On the 3rd through the 5th of September 2010, the Churches of Christ gathered in Mbale for this year’s National Meeting. The Theme for the meeting was “United with Christ”. It was a timely Theme at such a time as this when Unity is all that the Church of Christ needs to defeat the attacks and schemes of the Evil one. The guest speaker was Henry Buregea from the Democratic Republic of Congo. It was an eventful three days of Prayer, confession, joy, singing, a funeral, sadness, praising and worshipping God.

In the morning of Thursday 2nd 2010, one of the Mbale community church leaders, Simon was killed in an accident on his way to prepare for a night prayer camp for Livingstone International University (LIU). LIU is a project that was birthed by the Mbale Mission team to help answer to the call of quality education grounded in Christian values and Ethics n Uganda. The prayer camp was an occasion to dedicate to God the completion of the purchase of fifty six acres of land on which LIU is soon to be built. Several church leaders in Mbale and the others parts of Uganda and Kenya joined the camp that was an overnight of prayer, worship and praises to God. It has been a gradual process of hard work and challenges for LIU as it approaches its deadline for starting classes in 2012. The devil has been at work and attacking the smooth progress of LIU but what was started by God is slowly unfolding towards completion. The acquisition of the fifty six acres of land is in itself a breathtaking Testimony among other answered prayers and thus strong evidence that indeed the University has started even before it has begun. All the Churches of Christ in the country are proud for being a part of what God is doing through the LIU project. The journey for LIU continues to teach all of us that once God is on our side, there is nothing that can be against us. As the year 2012 knocks at our doors, we continue to pray and ask all of you to prayerfully lift up LIU for God to provide, wisdom, knowledge, the expertise, influence, prayerful and dedicated men and women of God, the funds, and the favor of God as the project gets laid down on ground very soon. It can only take God for all this to happen in the projected time frame but we are a People of Faith, soon our FAITH shall be SEEN. We ask that you pray for the glory of God to manifest in this project. The pride of the Church of Christ in Africa rests in seeing LIU at a forefront of the power of God in being used as a tool to equip and empower not only church leaders but that also LIU is a timely and an efficacious conduit in fostering the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in contemporary Africa and the rest of the world.

The next day, 3rd September 2010, several of the delegates and leaders went to attend Simon’s funeral at his home. “The Unity with Christ” which was the Theme for the Church leaders’ meeting was practically exposed as we all gathered as one in Christ to bury the late Simon. The late was a preacher. He had a church in his own home compound. After the burial, we all gathered at MCC building for the opening of the meeting. All through the meeting the cry and call to the church was Unity and being firm to the call of God in our respective churches and regions. It was indeed a powerful time. The Spirit of God was hovering through every activity during the three days we spent in Mbale. The NTCC meeting was concluded by a Sunday worship service. We all shared Communion. A Moslem lady answered to the Alter Call to commit her life to Jesus Christ as her personal Savior soon after the sermon. By all measure it was a good conclusion of a meeting. The next hosts for the National NTCC meeting will be Jinja next year. Kampala will host the meeting in 2012.

Last year, the Kampala Church was blessed to partner with Voice Genesis. Voice Genesis is a company based in the United States. It is a Transcription Service provider whose business is to transcribe audio messages into written words from one sending source to another receiving end. This project has been going on in Kampala for several months. So far, the project has employed five members of the church. Those that are employed in this project are financially struggling youths of the church. Two of these youths are students. One of them Frank Kagulire is a long time member of the church who recently completed his secondary school education. He is now at university. One of the challenges Frank continues to have is school fees. However, he has been able to register at University using some of the funds for his work with the Voice Genesis Project. His plan is to continue university education with Voice Genesis as a funding support to the school fees he needs to complete his education. This project has been timely for people like Frank who might not have had any other opportunity and available options to continue with education. Please pray for this project as God uses it to bless and empower those among us who are in dire need.

A few months ago, we posted a story of Lydia Mbazira, a 23 year old University student. Lydia was among the victims of the terrorist bomb attacks in Kampala. Her father worships at the Kampala Church. A number of medical consultations continue to be made about her condition. The current medical report is that there is almost nothing much that can be done for her in removing the remnant of the bomb fragment that penetrated her brain. She continues to have memory lapses and she spends most of her time sleeping. However, she has been put on daily medication. The Doctors have hope that her condition will improve over an extended period of time. Recently some of the church leaders went to visit her at their home. She was jolly and talkative. After a few minutes she mentioned that she was tired and wanted to go and sleep. Her parents have told her several times about what happened to her but she keeps on forgetting all of it. Before we left, Lydia was awakened. We prayed for her and the family. Please continue to pray for Lydia and her family and for God to continue to provide them with the much needed basics at this point in time. We and the Mbazira family are so thankful for all your prayers and support.

In the last Living Rays News letter, mention was made of the new church plant in Kampala at Wabigalo. The church plant in Wabigalo is growing. One of the thriving ministries at this church is the Sunday school ministry. Abel Agaba, our Sunday school minister devotes some of his time to go and teach the children at wabgialo on Sunday. Over twenty children are dropped at the church by their parents to study God’s word on any given Sunday. The amazing thing is, in as much as these parents do not attend church, the Spirit of God does well to evoke them to take their children to the church to learn about Christ. We are waiting and eagerly anticipating that as we continue to teach these children, their parents will slowly get to know Christ as well.

Prayer Requests
1. Pray for the Church in Kampala and especially our goal for planting more churches
2. Pray for God’s favor for the Kampala Church
3. Pray for Lydia Mbazira and her health situation
4. Pray for the leadership as it helps lead others for Christ
Thank you all for your continued prayers, support, encouragement and love. May God richly bless you all.

In Christ Jesus
Isaac Sanyu


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