Joseph Irwaat- discharged from Hospital

09/23/2010 Vol. 15
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ
We send to you all greetings yet again from Kampala. We thank you for your continued persistence in prayer with us for our brother Joseph Irwaat. God is good all time, yesterday Joseph was discharged from Nsambya hospital at 2 pm. No referral has been confirmed as yet. We were told to take him back at the hospital on 10/05/2010 for a medical examination. Joseph is able to walk now, his voice sounds even more stronger than previously. We took him to his home but on our way, he made us stop so that he could show us where he was attacked from. It was a very emotional situation as he tried to show us how he was beaten, how he was left laying down in-between two blocks of houses, how he tried to knock on some ones door for help and how he got a harsh reply from the inhabitant. A number of people from the neighborhood gathered around us as Joseph was narrating what happened to him. Several of these people were sympathetic with him. It is quite a long distance between his home and the place where he was attacked, it’s about a kilometer. We were all amazed as to how he managed to walk all the way to his home after the attack. God was indeed with Joseph all through.
After the brief stopover we drove to his home. The first person that came out of the house was his youngest son, Epharim. He shouted “welcome back daddy” and soon after Epharim started to cry, watching the tears oozing out of Epharim’s eyes was such an emotional sight. Epharim rushed towards us to help his dad out of the car. Afterwards, Joseph welcomed us into his home, both his wife and Epharim sat next to him, we could all sense the fact that happiness had finally come back again into the Irwaat family.
We were able to get the Brain Scan in writing;
The following are the results of the Scan that was made on Joseph.
Brain CT Scan Report
NON contrasted serial axial scans of the brain were done at 5 mm slice thickness from the base of the skull vertex.
1. There are linear fractures of the right sphenoid bone (greater wing), right frontal bone and right parietal bone. There are hemorrhages in the left sphenoid sinus.
2. There is moderate cerebral oedema but no focal brain parenchyma lesion
3. There is no midline shift. The ventricles appear normal
4. The cortical sulcial spaces and sylivian fissures are normal
5. The ambient cistern is normal. There is no extra-axial lesion
6. There is cephalohematoma in the mid frontal region
Conclusion: The above features are in keeping with open head injury with brain oedema.
For those of you who may have some medical background, you may let us know what this may reveal. I just called Joseph’s wife and she says that he is doing fine and there are signs of improvement. Please keep lifting Joseph, his family and all of us up in prayer.
May God bless and keep you all for His sake.
In Christ Jesus
Isaac Sanyu
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