
Showing posts from September, 2012

NTCC National Meeting Kampala 2012 in Pictures!!!

Steve speaking during the meeting over 300 people attended philip breakfast livinghope choir Leslie speaking with the women Joseph smiling away vivian serving at the meeting terzol sandra at the reception mark having breakfast leslie serving tea in queque for food steve and jim steve, leslie and robina jim listening attentively steve coco chibalonza singing perusi - happy women of grace displaying their crafts food is served fellowship nancy food is served

North Central Church of Christ Team Visits Kampala 8/27/12 to 9/10/12. In Pictures

jim and nancy at makerere university talking to an Agriculture Poffesor Jim teaching at Ganda steve preaching at KCC nancy saying to the KCC congregation jim saying hi to the KCC congregation leslie saying hi to the KCC congregation leslie meeting up with betty nancy with sheba at KCC jim talking with mbazira at KCC michael, johnnie and jim at mengo lunch at KCC Jim Risk talks with Fred about agriculture at KCC steve, leslie and willington at KCC leslie and Steve in Wabigalo School Project north central team with livingstreams flow ministry at KCC steve sharing with the KCC marrieds fellowship Jim talking with francis at the chicken house at ndejje leslie teaching the women of grace at KCC nancy talking to the women of grace at KCC joseph talks with jim after church service at KCC okello pat and leslie listening to an issue at Wabigalo church of christ