A leap of Faith in God

Greetings from Kampala, Uganda. It is our hope and prayer that this finds you doing well in the Lord Jesus Christ. We would want to first of all, apologize for the long delay in sending out the periodic News updates from Kampala Church of Christ. The last couple of Months have been so busy for most of us. God has been good and continues to see us through the many challenges, struggles, failures, and triumphs in our cause for service in the Kingdom. We thank you for your continued prayers, love, encouragement, support and thoughts. God bless you all.
We would want to use this opportunity to bring you all upfront on what God has been doing the last couple of weeks and days.

The fore front of the land

At the beginning of this year, you were made aware of the school project that we helped start at Ndejje, Elishama Junior Academy. God provided for all that was needed to make the once depleted house structure into a usable school environment. God also provided us with an opportunity to evangelize the Moslem infested community of Ndejje with the Word of God on several occasions. The school was able to register a number of children and now in the process of acquiring a License to operate as a recognized school by the government. We give thanks to North Central Church of Christ and all the Kampala Church of Christ members who have contributed funds, time and effort in having the school kick off the ground. In the same year we were able to visit a number of schools that have been started in Kenya through the help of the Christian Relief Fund (CRF). The purpose for these visits was to not only feed us with ideas but to give us an overview on what it takes to start a community school, the challenges that have been met with these schools, the areas we need to look out for in order to avoid mistakes, and to make relationships with our brothers and sisters who share the same vision. A few weeks ago, CRF was kind enough to consider Kampala in letting us know that they would need for us to send one hundred names of Orphans to be sponsored by the program. We managed to register 58 children in Wakiso. We envisioned this as an opportunity for us to a start a primary school by early next year. We registered children between the ages of 3 to 11 years, a few above that but the majority between this age bracket. The idea is to capture this age bracket so that we can be able to start a school with classes that fall within kindergatten and Primay 2 levels. As we were doing all this work, we did not have any clue on what God was doing behind the scenes. We basically were thinking of using the land at the Wakiso Church plant whose structure needs a lot of work to be done or the piece of land that was donated to the Kampala Church. Both of these options were good but on private property at least currently, therefore with no clear certain terms legally.

A few kilometers from the Wakiso Church plant, we were told of a couple that was in the process of selling off an acre of their land. We went to visit the place and we were amazed at how perfect this place is for a school. The place has all that we need for a school set up. It has a main house with several rooms, three detached quarter rooms, a detached kitchen area, and a detached latrine and bath room. It was looking at all this as an answered prayer and such perfect timing. God is good. We visited with the owner a couple of weeks ago. They need 45,000,000/= ($18,000) for the piece of land. We currently have savings amounting to 14,000,000/= ($5,600), by the look of things we just need $12,400 to realize the wakiso dream for a school.

fore front block



to be able to purchase this piece of land and property thereon. There is a lot that can be done on this piece of land for the Wakiso Church plant Ministry. We kindly ask of you to pray and believe with us to be able to raise the needed funds to purchase the property. The owner asked for a commitment initial deposit and we have been able to settle off that with him through the help of our lawyer.


One of the most challenging things about land issues is always something to do with a Land Title for proof of ownership and transfer of land. I should say we are lucky to have landed on this opportunity because the land has a Land Title in the owners name and so the land is as secure as we could expect to invest on this piece of Property.

our lawyer, Susan, breaks down it down on paper and explains the terms of the agreement

signing the agreement

Against this brief Testimony we kindly ask of you to pray, share our story, give whenever God touches your heart towards this and support in anyway you can. We thank you once again for always being there with us in the effort to spread and share the Word of God to the world where God has placed us in the Kingdom. May God bless, guide and lead you always.
In Christ Jesus

Isaac Sanyu


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