North Central Church of Christ Team Visits Kampala 8/27/12 to 9/10/12. In Pictures

jim and nancy at makerere university talking to an Agriculture Poffesor

Jim teaching at Ganda
steve preaching at KCC

nancy saying to the KCC congregation

jim saying hi to the KCC congregation

leslie saying hi to the KCC congregation

leslie meeting up with betty

nancy with sheba at KCC

jim talking with mbazira at KCC

michael, johnnie and jim at mengo

lunch at KCC

Jim Risk talks with Fred about agriculture at KCC

steve, leslie and willington at KCC

leslie and Steve in Wabigalo School Project

north central team with livingstreams flow ministry at KCC

steve sharing with the KCC marrieds fellowship

Jim talking with francis at the chicken house at ndejje

leslie teaching the women of grace at KCC

nancy talking to the women of grace at KCC

joseph talks with jim after church service at KCC

okello pat and leslie listening to an issue at Wabigalo church of christ


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