Kampala News Letter June 2012

God is good, all the time. Sending to you all greetings in the most High and Holy Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is always our pleasure to Testify about the goodness of God in the many things He continues to do in the Kampala Ministry. As such, we invite you to pray with us as God leads you in these paragraphs.
At the beginning of June 2012, we were amazed about God’s timing and providence as we received the funds towards the purchase of the Kampala Ministry Van (The Chariot). It has been a long and faithful journey of belief, prayer, fasting, and fundraising. We owe it all to God who has led His people to pray, fast, fundraise and give. To us, this is another of the many events that have proved the Scripture “There is nothing impossible with God”. We take this opportunity to thank the children, men and women of our extended family of North Central Church of Christ in Indianapolis, who have for many years been there with us in our struggles, challenges and triumphs and even to the whole extent of making the goal for raising the funds for the Chariot a reality. The van that has been bought is a Toyota Hiace. It is a Full Time Four Wheel Drive, Diesel powered, Model 2000. We praise God for this long awaited blessing to the Church. Thank you all for your prayers, love and support in this regard. Having the van is one thing but most important of all is the way the van has helped our faith in God and to witness His ever present faithfulness in our lives. Thanks also go to our local initiative and how we all embraced the dream and vision to believe God for this Van. We pray that God may use this instrument powerfully for His Glory.

nothing is small if God accepts it

God is good

The Chariot of Fire

It has been such a blessing to have and host the LST (Let’s Start Talking) Team 2012, for the last couple of weeks. The Team continues to bless and touch souls as they impact their readers with the Word of God. We pray that the seeds they have helped plant will in time germinate into Christ’s disciples. The Team will be leaving on 6/17/2012. It has been an exciting time with the Team and as they conclude with their work this Month, we envision a lot of great things God is going to do through them for this Ministry both Spiritually and physically.

On 6/1/2012the Kampala Ministry through the organizing committee of the Youth Ministry- Living Streams Flow was able to re-launch the Overnight Prayer meetings at KCC. Several years back, the Kampala Ministry used to have a consistent Night prayer schedule which has over the years been inactive. On this day however, Several people turned up to pray. Prayers for the sick, for the ministry, the country and the world at large were embedded in the Theme for the night.  The plan is to have the night prayer times as consistent as possible every Month.

the boys singing praises to God during the overnight day of prayer at KCC

joseph bonyo consulting the Word of God on the Overnight day of prayer at KCC

We also bring news from the church plant in wakiso.  God continues to do amazing things in this community of believers. Work on the construction of the church house is slowly gaining ground. The foundation was dug up and put in place. The logs were bought and are erected on the ground. The next phase will be the roofing. The roofing is going to get done for most of this Month. We praise God for the hard work and the enthusiasm of the community of believers in Wakiso. We give thanks to God and all of you, for your prayers for this work. We specifically would want to thank Amanda Morgan who continues to work tirelessly in the background to bless the ongoing work of the church building in Wakiso. The Wakiso building plan extends farther to having a primary school started as well in the near future. So far the Life Way Church of Christ Academy has three children being sponsored to attend school at a nearby primary school.

wakiso church buliding - God is good
the three school sponsored kids in wakiso - paul, john and night

wakiso church building going up

A number of visitors have passed through Kampala Church of Christ, the last couple of weeks. On 5/25/2012, Katie Underwood, a student from Lispcomb University in the US led a team of nine volunteers to come visit the church premises. Katie is a member of North Central Church of Christ in Indiana, the church that sponsors and oversees the work in Kampala. It was a blessing in getting to visit with her and the team for the few hours we spent together.

Lipscomb University volunteer students at the KCC gardens

Dr Ellen Little and Gary arrived in the country on 6/5/2012. They are here for a few days. It has been a blessing to have Ellen back to visit in Kampala with her friend Gary. Ellen and Gary will be getting married in Texas in the month of August 2012. God is good.

Ellen and Gary will be leaving the country on 6/13/2012. Pray for their blessed marriage and life together.
Thank you all and may God bless and keep you always on this journey of life.

Prayer Requests
1.       Thanksgiving prayer for the KCC Chariot. Pray that the van does not become a distraction but a welcome blessing to foster God’s work. We thank God for the challenges for having not had a van for years and yet we embrace this new challenge of having one.
2.       Pray for the LST Team and as they conclude their mission and work in Kampala
3.       Pray for Nancy Harbron, for her love, her generosity, her hard work and friendship to thousands. Pray for her health and especially her complete recovery
4.       Pray for the upcoming NTCC National meeting in September. Pray for the speakers and the organizers.
5.       Pray for Andrew Lwere and Kimberley Haines as they make a trip to Kenya this week to have their interviews and visas processed for God’s glory.
6.       Pray for the upcoming wedding of Gray West and Ellen Little
7.       Pray for the upcoming introduction ceremony of Isaac Sanyu and Sheba Kalamagonza on July 29th 2012
May God bless you all.

In Christ Jesus
Isaac Sanyu



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