God is good, all the time. Sending to you all greetings in the most High and Holy Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is always our pleasure to Testify about the goodness of God in the many things He continues to do in the Kampala Ministry. As such, we invite you to pray with us as God leads you in these paragraphs. At the beginning of June 2012, we were amazed about God’s timing and providence as we received the funds towards the purchase of the Kampala Ministry Van (The Chariot). It has been a long and faithful journey of belief, prayer, fasting, and fundraising. We owe it all to God who has led His people to pray, fast, fundraise and give. To us, this is another of the many events that have proved the Scripture “There is nothing impossible with God”. We take this opportunity to thank the children, men and women of our extended family of North Central Church of Christ in Indianapolis, who have for many years been there with us in our...