Greetings, from Kampala. It is our hope and prayer that you are doing well in Christ. We shout out Thanksgivings to our God who sustains the Ministry in Kampala. We do this, by inviting you to join with
us in our triumphs, struggles, pains and challenges as we go about spreading the Word of God in our
On 3/9/2012 and3/10/2012, we were blessed to have been visited by some of our former missionaries .Darla Benette, (and herbrother Erick), Mark,Jamie, Elia and Coby Long came to visit for two weeks. They were all taken to people’s homes and to visit some of the works and church plants by KCC in the communities. It was a blessing to have them with us for the few days that they were here with us. We are thankful for the continued strong relationships that continue to bind us with our former missionaries in Kampala. Ellen Little will also be
visiting in Kampala in June.
coby making new friends in wakiso |
Darla, joseph and Francis praying in wakiso |
darla praying over the land donated to the church in wakiso |
coby is introduced to robinah Sakwa |
mark and coby Long greeting the kampala church |
darla greeting the kampala church |
Elia long with a friend in wakiso |
In the Month of September 7th, 8th and 9th 2012, the NTCC National meeting will be held in Kampala. We
thank you for your prayers for God finally confirmed the Guest Speaker, Stephen Kenney and his wife
Leslie Kenney. Jim Risk and Nancy Harbron will also be part of the team to come and bless the body of Christ in Kampala. Among the many other challenges that we have been met with, has been the venue for
the meeting. God has also opened a door for us in this as well. We were able to shop for several potential venues for the meeting and God’s leading took us to Entebbe at the Uganda Wildlife Education Centre (UWEC). It is a spacious area with good secure facilities.
the Uganda Wild Life Center- venue for the NTCC 2012 National meeting for Churches of Christ in Uganda |
“Be Equipped to Reap”, is a Theme that the Kampala Ministry embraced this year. At the beginning of this year a training program was designed to help train and equip our local church leaders and those that are working in the community church plants of wakiso, wabigalo and kasangati. On 3/29/2012, we had our first training on discipleship conducted by Mr. Sebagala Methuselah. Sixteen church leaders participated in the training. Several other training opportunities have been lined up during the course of this year.
pulpit minister- Okello Pat emphasizing a point during the course |
cross section of participants of the training course on Discipleship/Evangelism at KCC |
Relatively we would want to take this opportunity to celebrate a spirit of service in God’s Kingdom by a ten year old Sunday school kid at Kampala Church of Christ. Agaba Nicholas is only ten years but he has raised the bar of service and commitment in serving God with what he has. Nicholas is in Primary school in level 5. He comes from a struggling family but that has not stopped him to serve God with all he has got and at his age. Since last year, it has been an observation that Nicholas has always been among the first to arrive at the Church building every Sunday morning. He is always self-motivated and driven to arrange the chairs, clean the tables, sweep the chapel and wipe and dust all the chairs before the morning church worship service. We thank God for such a life that has been exemplified by Nicholas to the rest of us in his call to use what he has for God’s glory
Nicholas Agaba - below in action |
nicholas cleaning the communion tables |
nicholas sweeping the church building on a Sunday |
The Lets Start Talking (LST) team will be arriving in Kampala next Month. They fly out from United States on May 7th 2012. They will help teach conversational English to several of our members and others from the surrounding communities. We are looking forwards to witness what God is going to do through this Ministry as numbers get added into the Kingdom of God. Please pray for Natasha, Skie and Geoff as they make preparations to come and bless our communities with the love of Christ.
from left - Natasha, Skie and Geoff |
Prayer Requests
1. Continue to lift up our sister Nancy Harbron and especially for
her health.
2. Pray for the LST Team Kampala 2012, for safe travel, good
adjustment into the culture, health and work in Kampala.
3. Thanks giving for the fundraising progress for the Chariot – we are getting closer to buying a
Ministry vehicle, please pray and give towards this cause.
4. Pray for the National meeting and especially those that are traveling from far- Steve, Leslie,
Nancy and Jim. Pray that God provides for all the logistics for the meeting.
Isaac Sanyu
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