Our God is good!!!
Greetings, from Kampala. It is our hope and prayer that you are doing well in Christ. We shout out Thanksgivings to our God who sustains the Ministry in Kampala. We do this, by inviting you to join with us in our triumphs, struggles, pains and challenges as we go about spreading the Word of God in our communities. On 3/9/2012 and3/10/2012, we were blessed to have been visited by some of our former missionaries .Darla Benette, (and herbrother Erick), Mark,Jamie, Elia and Coby Long came to visit for two weeks. They were all taken to people’s homes and to visit some of the works and church plants by KCC in the communities. It was a blessing to have them with us for the few days that they were here with us. We are thankful for the continued strong relationships that continue to bind us with our former missionaries in Kampala. Ellen Little will also be visiting in Kampala in June. coby making new friends in wakiso Darla, joseph and Francis praying in wakiso darla praying ov...