Happy 2012. We hope and pray that God continues to be with you all. We give thanks to God who saw you through the last year. We are more than glad to embrace this new year with you once again. God has revealed to us a number of things and plans to accomplish this year. However, we would want to share a brief recap of just a few Testimonies and highlights of last year in the Month of December as we get ready to lay down our lives for God’s purposes in 2012. From Nov. 16th to Dec. 3rd 2011,we had visitors from our supporting congregation of North Central Church of Christ with us for two weeks. Nancy Harbron and Jana Treadway blessed us with teachings from the Bible about God being the Master Potter and Health respectively.
right and left far ends, Jana and Nancy praying in wabigalo |
On 12/9/11 the Kampala church organized a meeting for the children that are sponsored through the Christian Relief Fund (CRF) in Kampala. The meeting was an introduction to the basic teachings of Christianity. Eighty
children attended the meeting.
children attended the meeting.
kakembo durigh the crf welcome to the family class |
On 12/19/2012, the Kampala Church of Christ hosted its members and those from our church plants of wakiso, kasangati, and wabigalo to a Christmas dinner meal and fellowship. Close to three hundred people attended. On this very day, a moslem family of five got baptized into Christ. On 12/25/2012, Christmas day we had a Somalian refugee Baptized into Christ. He left war torn Somalia to Uganda last year without his wife and three children. He is trying so hard to find ways he can get in touch with his family. He walked into the gates of the Better Living Resource Centre (BLRC) on 12/3/2011 in search for meaning and hope in life. In his own words he says that on this day he first prayed to God for direction. God later led him to the BLRC. Isaac was able to talk and pray for him. He later seemed interested in becoming a Christian. An appointment was later made for him to go through the Welcome to the family Class material with Okello James. He did the lessons and continues to be very interested in studying the Word of God. Against this background, Said Ahmed Abdi has a new name now. He chose the name Joseph Abdi, on the day he was baptized into Christ.
Welcoming 2012
We give praise to God for 2012 because of yet the many things He is going to do this year. Towards the middle of last year, we shared about God providing towards the Life Way Child Support Program (LWCSP) for school going and needy Wakiso children. Through the help of Amanda Morgan Stoops, God has been able to raise up three sponsors for three children in the program. Below, are the pictures of the first intake into the Life Way Child Support program in Wakiso. Night is 8 years she will be going to Primary 2. Paul and John have both never attended school due to lack of school fees. God is good to have been able to provide for these children.
night |
paul |
john |
As we start venturing into the new year, we are excited about hosting this years New Testament Churches of Christ (NTCC) meeting in the Month of September. The meeting will bring together leadaers of all Churches of Christ in Uganda. The Theme for this Years meeting is “Surrendering to Christ and Dying to Self” The Theme Scripture is from the Book of Colossians 3:17. We are prayerfully expecting our Guest Speaker to be coming from North Central Church of Christ in Indiana and two supporting local speakers from within Africa.
Relavtively, every other year, the Kampala Body of Christ adopts a Theme for the year. Last year the Theme was commitment. Recently the leadership decided that the Theme for this year shall be from Matthew 9:35-38 – “Be Equipped To Reap”. For this year therefore, all the Ministries in Kampala will be driven by an emphasis to equip our members for the sole purpose of reaping a harvest for Christ. We ask you to pray as we embrace his years Theme.
We are already on the road of putting into practice this year’s Theme. On 1/15/2012, four souls were baptized into Christ as a result of our members going out into the communities to preach and winning souls to Christ.
We are also looking into energizing or planting new life care groups in the communities this year. Case in point, we have congolese members in the church who find it hard to communicate in English. One of our committed and active members, Emmanuel Ruchikiri Trinity is in preparations to lead and host a Congolese Life Care Group in one of the homes. We give praise to God for this opening as we anticipate several to start reading and sharing the Word of God through Bible Study Fellowships in our communities.
one of the four baptized into Christ on 1/15/2012, Praise God!! |
The leadership of Kampala Church of Christ (KCC) has after some consultations been able to identify and consider to address a need of having a daily Evening Bible Study Devotional time of fellowship and prayer at the Bettr Living Resource Centre. This will answer to the need of several who come through the premises to be given an opportunity to share the Word of God and to have a time of fellowship and prayer. All the leaders are resolving to being committed to this call. We anticipate great things through this new service at the premises soon.
In May 2012, KCC will be hosts to another Lets Start Talking (LST) team from the US. We give thanks to the LST projects that have and continue to be done in Kampala as they help teach and plug new believers into the Kingdom.
We give praise to God for LivingStone International University (LIU) that was officially opened to start classes this Month in Mbale. LIU is a project that was born of the Churches of Christ and the Christian Church to help educate, equip and empower men and women to build the Nations of Africa and beyond. It was a grand opening on 1/14/2012 as we all stood to bear witness of a dream come true when over forty students were in our midst to mark the official opening of the University.
Please be prayerful of the many plans and revelations God is leading us through out this year.
Please be prayerful of the many plans and revelations God is leading us through out this year.
Prayer Requests
1. Pray for the leadership
and Body of Christ at KCC.
2. Pray for good planning
and organisation of the
NTCC National Meeting in
3. Pray for Mark Long and
his family as they come to
visit in March
4. Pray for the growth of
Life Care Groups in
Kampala and elsewhere
in the communities.
5. Pray for healing and
renewal of body of Christ
in Kampala
6. Pray for LivingStone
International University in
In Christ Jesus
Isaac Sanyu
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