Happy 2012. We hope and pray that God continues to be with you all. We give thanks to God who saw you through the last year. We are more than glad to embrace this new year with you once again. God has revealed to us a number of things and plans to accomplish this year. However, we would want to share a brief recap of just a few Testimonies and highlights of last year in the Month of December as we get ready to lay down our lives for God’s purposes in 2012. From Nov. 16th to Dec. 3rd 2011,we had visitors from our supporting congregation of North Central Church of Christ with us for two weeks. Nancy Harbron and Jana Treadway blessed us with teachings from the Bible about God being the Master Potter and Health respectively. right and left far ends, Jana and Nancy praying in wabigalo On 12/9/11 the Kampala church organized a meeting for the children that are sponsored through the Christian Relief Fund (CRF) in Kampala. The meeting was an introduction to the basic teachings of Chri...