God is Good All The Time!!!

(i was once lost but now i have been found)- livingston after baptism

May the peace and grace of God be with you always. We send to you warm and heartfelt greetings from Kampala Church of Christ (KCC) in Kampala. We praise and give thanks to God for sustaining you all for His purposes. God continues to heal, renew, convict, transform, reveal, warn and graciously use the body in Kampala as He allows it for us to change lives for His sake. We are glad to report that we recently had another baptism at KCC. This time it was a World Bible School (WBS) student. Whenever God avails us the opportunity to baptize his own into Christ, we rejoice and jubilate. For one soul that joins the Kingdom sends the whole of Heaven into an applause of joy and praise. We are always honored to share the joy with Heaven as people get baptized into Christ. We are thankful for Livingston Nakibinge on his birth into Christ.
(above pic. wakiso youth Bible study fellowship in session)

(youth consulting the Bible durign the study)

For several Months now the singles ministry of KCC has been going through a series of Bible Study using a Bible version that was published specifically for youth by the International Bible Society. The colorful Bible uses language and examples that identify with the youth. Seth Sengendo, the Minister for Living streams (youth and adult ministry) at KCC was able to merge the reach 4 life Bible study series which continue to bless the youth at church. Through the help of Bibilica Uganda formally the Bible Society of Uganda, Mr Christopher Yikii, one of the directors of Biblica Uganda, was more than glad to introduce the Bible study series at KCC a few Months back. Relatively, on 2/27/2011, we did invite Christopher to help start off the same program for the youth in Wakiso. We praise God that even when we needed a systematic and consistent Bible study program for the youth in Wakiso, God was gracious enough to allow it to happen in his own time. Over fifteen youth attended the introduction of the reach 4 life Bible study series in Wakiso. Each participant that attended received a free reach 4 life Bible. A box of Bibles was also donated to the Wakiso Church plant project. Soccer balls were donated to the Wakiso Sunday School on the same day.

                                           (she got twins from the goat that was give to her)

As we continue to report about God’s exploits in our communities we bring to your notice of yet another opportunity to spread the love of Christ in the community of one of our church plants in Kasangati. Last year, through funds donated by the Christian Relief Fund, we were able to start off the KCC goat project in Wakiso. Thirty goats were given out to different needy families. The idea behind this was to impact the communities with the love of Christ as we in turn teach and make Jesus Christ known. From a scriptural inspiration of “it’s more blessed to give than to receive” we embraced the policy of each goat that delivers, the offspring is to be given out to another family by the initial beneficiaries. We give praise to God because at the beginning of this year, eight of the thirty goats delivered, two offspring died. We now have seven young goats to give out to other needy families in Wakiso in a few coming Months. As all this is happening, more and more people are sending their children for Bible Study, Sunday School and more are joining the adult Bible fellowship on a weekly basis in Wakiso. However, the time has come for us to venture and give out more goats in Kasangati. On 2/21/2011, we went on a physical tour of fifteen identified families that will soon get goats in Kasangati. Jonathan Mubangizi, the minister for the Kasangati Church of Christ took over a month to identify these families in his community. We ask that you continue to pray as we reach out to more people through the KCC goat project for the sake of Christ.

(kasangati group that is soon going to get goats)

In our last Newsletter, we hinted on the need for a Ministry van for the church in Kampala. Mention was made in church about the need to fundraise for this cause. Last year, the church in Kampala embarked on a demonstration chicken project ministry. The idea for this project is to help teach others on how to raise and take care of chicken for consumption or business. We are glad to mention that God continues to bless this project as we started realizing eggs from the project last year. We have started to sell off some of the eggs in order to keep the project financially running. However, it has come to the benefit of this year’s goal for some of the money realized to be practically put aside to help fundraise for the Ministry van. Please continue with us in prayer as we seek to use what we have and for God to multiply and bless our efforts in this regard. There is such a greater need for a ministry van to help the work in Kampala.

Two years back, the Ministry in Kampala had started a computer training program to help equip the community. Due to some eventualities the program had to stop. However, God has in the recent Months revived the energy and will to restart the computer training program. We are blessed to have one of our members Sam Lubwama (a computer science student at university) taking up the initiative to not only design the curriculum but volunteer to teach basic computer skills at the Better Living Resource Center. Several have already signed up as we in turn prepare grounds to use the program as a conduit to preach Christ. May God bless and keep you all.

Prayer Requests

1. Pray for God to bless our efforts to raise money for a Ministry Van.

2. Pray for the Lets Start Talking (LST) Team that is coming to Kampala in summer

3. Pray that we shall have several baptized in our communities as we prepare to teach about Discipleship in Wakiso.

4. Pray for God to give the Ministry strength, courage and the passion to reach out to the lost.

5. Thanks giving for peaceful elections in Uganda.

In Christ Jesus

Isaac Sanyu


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