Goat and Chidren's Gifts Give Away Day in Wakiso

11/15/2010 Vol. 19
In the Book of Acts Chapter 20, Paul exhorts his fellow believers about several things but one thing that stands out were the words of our Lord Jesus Christ in Verse 35 “It is more blessed to Give than to Receive”. W e are all living Testimonies of what God was able to do for each one of us when He gave freely of His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die on the Cross for you and me. Freely we received, freely we give. On the 13th November 2010, the Kampala Church was privileged to be a part of what this Scripture is all about. On this day we were able to purchase, transport and distribute goats to a poor war torn community of Banda in Wakiso district. If you have been following the Living Rays News letter, several weeks ago the Christian Relief Fund (CRF) blessed the Church in Kampala with funds to buy goats for the poor and needy. God led us to bless Wakiso with this gift. For the past few years, the New Testament Churches of Christ (legal registered body of the churches of Christ in Uganda) have been pursuing to be a part of the Evangelical Fellowship of Uganda (EFU). EFU brings together several local churches and institutions under one umbrella of the Evangelical movement in not only Uganda but Africa and the entire world at large. We did share with EFU about our intensions to go and distribute goats to help the poor in Wakiso. To our surprise, EFU gave the Kampala Church thirty three big gift boxes to distribute to kids in that community. In each box, were 10 shoe box gifts. In total we had three hundred and thirty gifts to give out to the kids. We were overwhelmed by the big number of children that turned up to receive the gifts. Over three hundred kids turned up. We give praise and thanks to God for having used CRF and EFU to grant the Kampala Church the opportunity to participate in this noble task of blessing our brothers and sisters in Wakiso.
On the same day, over forty families turned up to receive free goats from the Kampala Church of Christ goat project (KCCGP). We gave out thirty goats in total. The goat project that has started in Wakiso has been designed to continue over an extended period of time. Twenty eight local female goats were given out to the families. Two Hybrid goats were given to two families. The idea is to have the local goats breed with the Hybrids so that we can have cross breeds that have been proven to be more productive with numerous benefits. On the event that a goat produces, each family is expected to give back at least one goat to the Project so that another family can get a goat. This concept will create a multiplier effect as more families get blessed from the original blessing. We thank God for the successful completion of Phase 1 of the KCCGP. We are planning to have Phase 2 of the KCCGP after some time. Keep praying for the success of this project as we in turn embrace the opportunity and door to plant churches in the community of Wakiso. The glory is lifted up to God because already a church plant is in its infant foundations through the KCCGP in Wakiso. There are already Bible Study groups that have started in Wakiso. There is a youth group that meets weekly for fellowship as well. Please continue to pray for God to manifest firmly in Wakiso.
Joseph Irwaat. An Update
As you are all aware by now, Joseph Irwaat, a leader in the Kampala Church has been advised to have surgery on his spine due to the accident he got a few months ago. Several days ago Joseph started to feel numbness on the palms and the problem seems to be progressing. Joseph’s current condition is worrying as the problem is now coupled with a lot of sleepless nights due to acute pain. We have gone ahead to identify a Neuro surgeon in Mulago Hospital. We are set to visit with the surgeon today to let us know of all the implications, effects, date of the surgery and all the costs involved. I will be sending to you the findings from the surgeon. Thanks once again, all of you who have considered to help with his surgery, thanks for your prayers, thanks for your love and generosity. May God bless and keep you always.
Prayer Requests
1. Pray for Joseph’s Health situation. Pray that God may provide all the necessary funds for the surgery
2. Pray for the Kampala Church as we engage the communities around us with the love of Christ
3. Pray for the Kampala Church of Christ Goat Project, the Chicken Project and the Women of Hope Project.
4. Pray upcoming Baptisms into Christ in Wakiso District
5. Pray that God may provide the Kampala Church with a truck to help carry out most of the errands in and around Kampala.
In Christ Jesus
Isaac Sanyu
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