Living Rays News Letter- Kampala
It has been a time of year that has been mixed with a number of events that have brought both joy and sadness as we continue in our quest to serve God. At the end of July this year, Kampala bid farewell to a friend, sister and missionary. Darla Bennett was the last of the missionaries to leave Kampala on July 29th 2010. A send off party was done in her honor, several people attended. Gifts were given to her and a number of good words were shared by those who know and worked with Darla. We will continue to miss Darla in Kampala. Our prayer is for God to continue to use her wherever she is and in whatever she does.
Just a few weeks from then, Kampala was struck by terrorist bomb blasts in two public places in the city during the just concluded world cup finals in South Africa. A number of people lost their lives and several are admitted in hospitals. Mzee Mbazira one of our most committed members in church has a daughter that fell victim of the blasts. Her head was injured but she survived. She has had two surgeries on her head through which fragments were removed apart from one that has been left in her brain. Lydia continues to have memory lapses. She will be on medication for the rest of her life. Please continue in prayer for Lydia and the entire Mbazira family during this time.
For a number of years now we have continued to have several small group Bible Study Fellowships, locally known here as Life Care Groups in the communities. Of recent one of them that meets in Wabigalo had its first church service on 7/25/2010 at the Coronation Primary school. God has been kind enough to us for the owner of the school to allow us meet at the school property for church. Some of the students at the school are World Bible School students as well. On 30/7/2010 we had our first welcome to the family class at the school, a class designed to teach new believers into the teachings of Christ and the vision of the Kampala Church. Over forty students attended the class and on 8/1/2010 , twelve of these studnets were baptized into Christ. We continue to praise God for the opportunities HE avails to preach and win souls to Christ. Pray that God opens more of such doors. (Above Pic. A welcome to the family class in session)
In the last couple of Months, the Youth group at the Kampala Church has reawakened the Kampala Church of Christ Youth Bible Study Fellowship. For several months we had had a challenge and struggle amongst the youth meeting together for Fellowship. There was also a lack of leadership in the youth ministry. God through prayer has provided the leadership that was lacking. Sam Lubwama has recently risen amongst the youth to take on leading the Youth Bible Study Fellowship that now meets every Saturdays of the week in the evenings, we praise God for this.
In our last News Letter we talked about the women of the church in Kampala coming together in forming a self help project. The Project is designed to bring the women together to support each other. The women in this group are either unemployed, widows, Aids patients with its effects on families, single mothers or simply financially struggling. One of the activities they have started with is the making of paper beads into necklaces, belts and paper bags. They have also started teaching other women in the church on how to make the beads. The project continues to grow. The women recently came up with a name for this project, “Women of Hope Project”. It is amazing to see the women coming at the church premises on a weekly basis with such a zeal and passion to work and also to witness their willingness to learn. Marketing of their products continues to be the main hurdle but we believe that God who started it all will bless the works of their hands, their creativity, talents and gifts with a common hope in providing for their needs. Please pray for the success of this project. (Left Pic. Women of Hope Group at work)
Relatively the Church in Kampala started a Chicken Project a few Months ago. Francis Nsubuga one of the leaders at the Church heads the project on behalf of the church. Over fifty layer chicks were got to start off this project. This project is designed to not only help generate income for the church but it will also be a demonstration project for those who would want to learn on how to raise chickens. We pray that God may use these projects for his own glory.
On 7/27/2010 Dr. Ellen Little landed at Entebbe International Airport to pay the Kampala c
hurch a visit. It has been over a year since she left the mission filed in Kampala to be back in the US. Four le
aders were at the Airport to receive her. She spent two weeks in the country most of the time in Kampala and a few days in Mbale. It was a well spent two weeks of her time with us. She visited a number of her patients, friends, leaders, places and so many other things that were lined up for her during her short visit. (Above Pic. Dr Ellen visiting with Joseph Irwaat's family during het two weeks visit in Kampala)
Prayer Request
1. Pray for the success of the church projects at the Kampala Church
2. Pray for Lydia and her health situation and the family at large
3. Pray for the new church plant in Wabigalo
4. Pray for the National Meeting for all the churches of Christ in Uganda next Month in Mbale
In Christ Jesus
Sanyu Isaac
Kampala Church of Christ
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