Living Rays News Letter- Kampala

It has been a time of year that has been mixed with a number of events that have brought both joy and sadness as we continue in our quest to serve God. At the end of July this year, Kampala bid farewell to a friend, sister and missionary. Darla Bennett was the last of the missionaries to leave Kampala on July 29th 2010. A send off party was done in her honor, several people attended. Gifts were given to her and a number of good words were shared by those who know and worked with Darla. We will continue to miss Darla in Kampala. Our prayer is for God to continue to use her wherever she is and in whatever she does. Just a few weeks from then, Kampala was struck by terrorist bomb blasts in two public places in the city during the just concluded world cup finals in South Africa. A number of people lost their lives and several are admitted in hospitals. Mzee Mbazira one of our most committed members in church has a daughter that fell victim of the blasts. Her head was injured but ...