Kampala Church of Christ News Letter- February 2014

Greetings in the Mighty Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and Happy 2014. We give thanks to God for giving you all life and the opportunity to serve in His Kingdom. The Body of Christ at Kampala Church of Christ continues to serve God and many people are being impacted in both small and big ways for the love of God. Last year we embarked on plans to start a kindergarten school in wakiso. A Leap of Faith, it was dubbed. God has been so good to manifest His workings in amazing ways to help us all see His power in the lives of His people through this project. We have lived to witness what started as a dream becoming a reality when God led us to a one acre piece of land. God has journeyed with us in the negotiations to purchase the land, in fundraising for the funds, in God using people to provide the funds, in registering fifty eight needy children for what has come to be called Vine Christian Academy. The beginnings have been humble and we continue to b...